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Sahara Desert




2-10 November 2022

Open Space

We work with the principles of Open Space.

The schedule is based on meeting twice a day in a circle (morning and evening) and we create the rest of the daily program together depending on what's alive in each moment .


The Open Space principles are:

  1. The people who are there, are the right people

  2. Whatever happens, is the right thing to happen

  3. When it begins, it begins

  4. When it is over, it is over

  5. Follow the Law of Two Feet

  6. Expect the unexpected




  1. All participants are present from beginning till end. You can only participate for the whole event. The conference starts with dinner and the opening ceremony on the first night, and ends on the last morning with a closing ceremony. The context and content of this week is personal healing.

  2. The gathering is intended for adults only. No children –nor animals –are allowed.

  3. No drugs of any sort are permitted, and it would be best to minimize alcohol, coffee and meat.

  4. Your participation is at your own responsibility. Of course we will do anything possible to make your stay as safe and comfortable as possible, but we can’t take any responsibility for your safety, nor for your emotional, physical or financial well being.

  5. Make sure you have a valid travel insurance.

  6. We are guests in another country, another culture and maybe for some of us another religion. Please respect the local customs, rules, dress code and formalities.

  7. Note that the main language spoken in the gathering will be in English.

  8. We will be using Open Space, a way to give space to that what wants to reveal itself and to connect to that what resonates inside of you. Open Space gives the possibility to expect the unexpected, out of your own inspiration, out of the group, out of the moment. It is a sometimes discomforting method but one that can reveal magic beyond our imagination – or so we discovered.

  9. The main intention of our work is personal healing and growth. So the fuller you personally engage in the process, the more it might bring to you. We encourage your preparation and devotion to this work by tuning in the months and weeks before, by asking a few questions to yourself: what is my intention? What do I want to achieve? What is my pitfall or my shadow? How can I prepare myself?

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